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All graphics on this page are freely available for you to post on your social media feeds. Please help us spread the word about the declines—and ways to #BringBirdsBack.

You can make a difference. Polls show the majority of Americans care about the environment. But many people simply aren’t aware that these declines are happening.
You can help. Share these infographics, links, and videos to inform and inspire your family and friends.
Any of the infographics on this page are free for you to post on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest feeds. Just copy or save the image and upload it to the platform of your choice. Use the hashtag #BringBirdsBack to let people know you’re part of this groundswell of support for birds.

Everyday actions can save millions of birds. Share this infographic of the 7 Simple Actions to Help Birds—or share the full 7 Simple Actions webpage that summarizes each problem, its solution, plus ideas for taking it farther.
Or click through the slideshow to share these good-news statistics: Raptors are up by 15 million because we curbed pesticides; Waterfowl by 35 million because we invested in wetland regeneration; woodpeckers by 14 million because of habitat management. The pattern is clear: when we take action, birds recover.
Click these links to see our short videos about the declines, each featuring a different species. Choose your favorite bird and share the video post with your Facebook community to help raise awareness of the problem.